Rajbhasha Question Bank- Objective Question of Rajbhasha/ Official Language


    In this article, we will discuss objective questions related to Official Language/ Rajbhasha which is helpful for all examination where the syllabus covers official language. It is also important for whom are appearing in the RPF Promotion examination. The said examination held through RPR Rul- 70 & 72. So, let's start.


1. What is the Official Language of Union of India? 
Ans:- Hindi in Devanagari Script
2. Which form of numerals are to be used for official purposes of the Union?
Ans:- International form of Indian numerals
3. Which part of the Constitution contains provisions regarding Official Language?
Ans:- Part XVII
4. On which date Part XVII of the Constitution was passed in Parliament?
Ans:- 14.09.1949
5. How many chapters are there in Part XVII of the Constitution?
Ans:- 4 Chapters
6. How many articles are there in Part XVII of the Constitution?
Ans:- 9 Articles
7. What are all the nine Articles covered under Part XVII of the Constitution?
Ans:- Article 343 to 351
8. In which part and in which article of the constitution the provision regarding the language to be used for Transaction of business in Parliament exists?
Ans:- Article 120 of Part V
9. In which part and in which article of the constitution the provision regarding the language to be used for the transaction of business in State Legislatures exists?
Ans:- Article 210 of Part VI
10. Which article of the constitution contains a provision regarding the language to be used in courts etc.?
Ans:- Article 348 & 349
11. Which article of the constitution contains a provision regarding the official language of Union of India?
Ans:- Article 343 & 344
12. Which article of the constitution contains a provision regarding the official language of States?
Ans:- Article 345
13. As per Article 343(1) of the constitution when Hindi became the official language of the Union of
Ans:- 26.01.1965
14. Name the articles of the constitution which in their provisions contain a reference to Eighth Schedule of the constitution?
Ans:- Article 344(1) & 351
15. In which part of the constitution are the articles 343-351, that gives information about Official Language available?
Ans:- Part XVII (In the Seventeenth Part)
16. At present how many languages are enlisted in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution?
Ans:-  Twenty-two
17. When the Constitution was adopted, how many languages were included in the Eighth Schedule
Ans:- Fourteen
18. In which year Maithili, Bodo, Dogri and Santhali were added to the Eighth Schedule later?
 Ans:- 2003
19. In which year Sindhi was added to the Eighth Schedule?
Ans:- 1967
20. In which year Nepali, Konkani & Manipuri were added to the 8th Schedule?
Ans:- 1992
21. Which one is the foreign language included in the 8th Schedule?
Ans:- Nepali
22. Which is the Official Language of Arunachal Pradesh?
Ans:- English
23. When was Official Language Act 1963 passed?
Ans:- 10.05.1963
24. when did the section 3(3) of the Official Language Act take effect?
Ans:- 26 January 1965
25. When was the Official Language Act, 1963 was amended?
Ans:- 1967
26. How many sections are there in the Official Language Act 1963, as amended in the year 1967?
 Ans:- 9 Sections
27. With which section 7 of Official Language Act,1963 is concerned?
Ans:- It is concerned with optional use of Hindi or other Official Language in Judgements in High Courts.
28. Why was the Official Languages Act 1963 passed?
 Ans:- For making provision regarding continued use of English along with Hindi even after 1965
29. When was Resolution on Official Language passed by Parliament?
Ans:- 18.01.1968
30. When was Official Languages Rules passed?
Ans:- 1976
31. When was Official Languages Rules amended?
Ans:- 1987
32. Into how many Regions Indian states have been classified, according to Official Languages Rules?
 Ans:- Three Regions
33. What are all the 3 Regions as classified under Official Languages Rules?
 Ans:- A, B & C Region
34. How many States and Union Territories are there in Region ‘A’?
Ans:- 9 States & 1 NCT Delhi, 1 Union Territory.
35. When is “Hindi Day” celebrated every year?
Ans:- 14th September
36. Which are the states that come under Region ‘A’?
Ans:- States:(i) Uttar Pradesh (ii) Uttaranchal (iii) Bihar (iv)Jharkhand (v) Haryana
(vi)Himachal Pradesh (vii)Madhya Pradesh (viii)Chhattisgarh
(ix) Rajasthan
Union Territory: (i) Andaman & Nicobar Island group
NCT: (i) Delhi
37. Which are the states that come under Region ‘B’?
States: (i) Maharashtra (ii) Gujarat (iii) Punjab
Union Territory: (i) Chandigarh (ii) Daman and Diu and
(iii) Dadar and Nagar Haveli
38. Which are the states that come under Region ‘C’?
Ans:- States: (i) Karnataka (ii) Tamilnadu (iii) Kerala (iv) Andhra Pradesh (v)
Telangana (vi) Odisha (vii)West Bengal (viii)Goa (ix)Jammu and
Kashmir (x) Assam (xi) Nagaland (xii) Meghalaya (xiii) Arunachal
Pradesh (xiv) Sikkim (xv) Tripura (xvi)Mizoram (xvii) Manipur
Union Territory: (i) Puducherry (ii) Lakshadweep
 39. Who is responsible for the compliance of provisions of Official Languages Act and rules?
 Ans:- Administrative Head of each Central Government Office
40. Which Ministry takes important decisions pertaining to Official Language?
 Ans:- Ministry of Home Affairs
41. According to Official Languages Rules, Tamilnadu falls under which region?
Ans:- Region ‘C’
42. According to Official Languages Rules, Andaman & Nicobar Islands fall under which region?
 Ans:- Region ‘A’
43. Which are the Union Territories classified under Region "B”?
Ans:- Chandigarh, Daman & Diu, Dadar and Nagar Haveli
44. States in which Urdu has been declared as one of the Official Language?
Ans:- Telangana, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi.
45. Who was the Charmian of the First Official Language Commission?
Ans:- Shri Bal Gangadhar Kher
46. Who was the First Chairman of the Committee Which was formed on the recommendation of the
Official Language Commission?
Ans:- Shri Govind Ballabh Pant
47. Who was the First Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Official Language constituted in the year 1976?
Ans:- The then Home Minister Shri Om Mehta
48. Who chaired the First Railway Hindi Salahakaar Samiti constituted in 1973?
Ans:- Shri Lalit Narayan Mishra
49. As per the Constitution, who is translating the Statutory Rules, Regulations and Orders?
Ans:- Law Ministry
50. Which was the Main Language and Co-Official Language used for the Official Purpose of the Union of India up to 1965?
Ans:- English was the Main Language and Hindi was the Co-Official Language.
51. Which Committee of the Committee on Parliament on Official Language prepared the Draft?
Ans:- Drafting & Evidence Sub-Committee of the Committee of Parliament on official language.
52. In which year the post of Hindi Assistant was created in Railway Board in compliance of President’s order?
Ans:- In the General Branch of Railway Board in the year 1952.
53. In which year, Hindi (Parliament) Section was established in Railway Board?
 Ans:- In the year 1960.
54. In which year, the Hindi Translation of Railway Budget was prepared and who was the Railway
Ans:- In the year 1956, Late Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri.
The above questions are very useful for all exams where the official language is being asked.
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